Product Galaxy

DIAL199 is a prime brand name in the astrology industry with one of the millions of astrology contents in the country available now. It was launched in 2016 and has come a long time since then. Dial199’s progress has been extraordinary, and it has expanded out and formed co-branded or alliances with recognized flags and brands. Web and mobile users always give preference to Dial199 for its excellent content, clean and its user-friendly based design, and accuracy in terms of forecast. The services offered by Dial199 span across kundli or horoscopes in various branches; Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot, Feng Shui, Vaastu and Vedic astrology. Free and Paid services include personalized email reports, expert consultations and "Talk to Premium Astrologers' ', an Dial199 exclusive, Astro Shopping for products. is a trusted brand in astrology in India. It is also a major player and preferred partner in the astrology industry with strategic partnerships across all platforms with all major technology players in the country for quality content in all major languages of India. We are well known platform for our various diversity of interactive substance and in this manner act as valuable content providers to so many portals, content collectors, and mobile operators. READ MORE.